Specialized Terms


Hi, this blog post is to help understand more some medicine terms and, more specifically, words that a pediatrician uses.

1) Congenital

French: Congénital

Definition: A congenital disease or medical condition that a person has had from birth but is not inherited.

Collins English Dictionary, (site consulted on 2021-09-03), [online], https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/congenital

2) Newborn vs infant vs baby

French: Nouveau-né vs nourrisson vs bébé

 Definition: A newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age.

 Infants can be considered as children anywhere from birth to one year.

 Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old

CORLEY, Heather. Difference Between a Baby, Newborn, Infant & Toddler, (site consulted on 2021-09-03), [online],  https://www.verywellfamily.com/difference-between-baby-newborn-infant-toddler-293848

3) Cystic fibrosis

French: Fibrose kystique 

 Definition: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system and other organs in the body. 

Mayo Clinic staff. Cystic Fibrosis, (site consulted on 2021-09-03), [online], https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cystic-fibrosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20353700

4) Milia

French: Milium

 Definition: Milia are tiny white bumps that appear across a baby's nose, chin, or cheeks. Milia are common in newborns but can occur at any age.

Mayo Clinic staff. Milia, (site consulted on 2021-09-03), [online], https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/milia/symptoms-causes/syc-20375073 


5) Strawberry hemangioma

French: Hemangiome framboisé

Definition: A strawberry hemangioma is a red birthmark named for its color.

NALL, Rachel. Strawberry Nevus of Skin, (site consulted on 2021-09-05), [online],  https://www.healthline.com/health/birthmarks-red

6) Empathy vs Sympathy

French: Empathie vs Sympathie

Definition: Empathy is when you understand how someone might feel,

Definition: Sympathy is when you share the feeling of another. 

Empathy in Medicine(site consulted on 2021-10-30), [online], https://www.cma.ca/physician-wellness-hub/content/empathy-in-medicine

7) Commiserative

French: Compatissant

Definition:  Commiserative means to express compassion for someone. (synonym for empathy)

Definitions for commiserative, (site consulted on 2021-11-14), [online], https://www.definitions.net/definition/commiserative

8) Strengthen

French: Renforcer

Definition: Strengthen means to make something stronger or more effective.

Strengthen, (site consulted on 2021-11-14), [online],  https://dictionary.cambridge.org/fr/dictionnaire/anglais/strengthen

9) Practitioner

French: Praticien

Definition: Practitioner means someone who practices a profession.

Practitioner, site consulted on 2021-11-14), [online], https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/practitioner

10) Chronic Pain

French: De la douleur chronique

Definition: Chronic pain is an ongoing pain that lasts, usually, more than six months.

Acute Pain vs. Chronic Pain, site consulted on 2021-11-14), [online], https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/12051-acute-vs-chronic-pain


French definition source

WordReference, (site consulted on 2021-09-03), [online], https://www.wordreference.com

Image source:

MASSEY, Dixie. The Importance of Vocabulary Instruction in Social Studies, (site consulted on 2021-09-05), [online], The-Importance-of-Vocabulary-Instruction-in-Social-Studies-0L.jpg






  1. Hi! I looked at all the articles from your blog and I found them all very interesting! I think the picture on the main page really reflects the profession that you want to do later in life. I learned a lot from this article, and the definitions were concise and clear, which is great because it makes it easier to understand the complicated words. Also, I did not know that there was a difference between newborn, infant, and baby, so I am happy that I got to learn something new! Finally, I like the different sizes of writing and the structure of your posts because they make it really easy to find what we are looking for. I will definitely come back to see your blog when new articles will be posted!

    1. Thank you for your comments Alexane. I am happy to know you like my post and I hope you will come back. I will post some new articles soon. Stay tuned!


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